
Greens - Swiss Chard

Calculated at Checkout
Growing Season:
Cold Tolerant 32-60°
Growing Season:
Average/Normal 60-80°
Growing Season:
Heat Tolerant 80-95°
Not Required
Time to Harvest:
4 Weeks
Crop Size:
Growing Pots:
Seed Type:
Open Pollinated
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Product Overview

Tower Garden® Ready No Pollination Required
100% GMO Free Grow with Grow Lights
100% Farm Fresh 100% Pesticide Free
Heat and Cold Tolerant Fedex 2 Day Shipping


Lightly savoyed, green or bronze leaves with stems of many colors including gold, pink, orange, purple, red, and white with bright and pastel variations. The taste is milder than ordinary chard, with each color a bit different. Suitable for production year round, but somewhat less frost hardy than normal for chard. Harvest in as little as 28 days.  There will be at least one swiss chard sprout per cube.


View the Chard Plant Guide